Annual update for deferred members June 2023
Annual update for deferred members June 2023
The 2023 Annual Benefit Statements for deferred members and pension credit members are now available through each member's online mypension account. These Statements show the value of the benefits built up as at 10 April 2023 within the Tyne and Wear Pension Fund. If you are already registered to access your mypension online account, you will receive an email to let you know your Statement is available to view.
The deferred Statements show the benefits each member held at the date they left the Scheme, along with the current value of the benefits as at 10 April 2023. The pension credit Statements will show the benefits awarded to the member at the date the Pension Sharing order was granted by the Court, along with the current value of the benefits as at 10 April 2023.
You can view a sample of the deferred statement[PDF - 82KB]. To view your personal Statement you need to login to your mypension account.
Please note: If you also have an active membership in the Tyne and Wear Pension Fund the Annual Benefit Statements for these records will be available online in July.
If you have been in contact with us to request a paper Annual Benefit Statement, this information will be sent out in late July.
Registering for mypension
If you would like to register for mypension online services a full Registration Guide is available under the mypension section of our website.
Pension Increase information
Please note: The first increase to a pension after leaving will normally only be a proportion of the full increase. More information about how pensions are increased can be found at
Further Information
Our website contains lots of information about your Local Government Pension and the pages below contain information about some important changes that are currently affecting the Local Government Pension Scheme.
Changes to Annual Allowance and Lifetime Allowance tax controls
Changes to the Annual Pension revaluation date