Useful links
Below is a list of links to other sites you may find useful. We have also included a brief description of their content for you:
- Age UK - a UK organisation working with and for older people
- Citizens Advice - helps people resolve their legal, money and other problems by providing free information and advice
- Department for Work and Pensions - provides information about benefits and services
- Direct Gov: Public Services Information - government site giving information on public services including pensions and retirement planning
- Local Government Association - work with local authorities, regional employers and other bodies to lead and create solutions on pay, pensions and the employment contract
- Unbiased - advice website which promotes the benefits of independent financial advice to consumers and businesses.
- HM Revenue and Customs - there to ensure that everyone understands and receives what they are entitled to and understands and pays what they owe, so that everyone contributes to the UK's needs.
- HM Treasury - the ministry for economics and finance in the UK.
- The Law Centre - Law Centres are not-for-profit legal practices providing free legal advice and representation to disadvantaged people.
- Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association - promotes workplace pensions. Its priority is to ensure a regulatory and fiscal environment that encourages the provision and take up of employer-sponsored pensions
- LGPS members national site - provides information about the LGPS to members, former members, potential members and other interested persons.
- LGPS Advisory Board - contains information on the Board, which currently exists in shadow form, together with its sub committees
- Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities - Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities sets policy on local government, housing, urban regeneration, planning and fire and rescue.
- Money Helper - clear, free and impartial help for all your money and pension choices set up by government.
- Pensionwise - a free and impartial government service about your defined contribution pension options.
- The Pensions Ombudsman - investigates and decides complaints and disputes about the way that pension schemes are run.
- The Pensions Regulator - the regulatory body for work-based pension schemes in the UK.
- The Pension Service - this service is part of the DWP. It has been set up to improve the service you receive, whether you are already a pensioner or are planning for your retirement
- Financial Conduct Authority - regulate the financial services industry in the UK. Their aim is to protect consumers, ensure the industry remains stable and promote healthy competition between financial services providers
- The Prudential Regulation Authority - is a part of the Bank of England and is responsible for the prudential regulation and supervision of banks, building societies, credit unions, insurers and major investment firms. It sets standards and supervises at the level of the individual firm
- The Pension Tracing Service - If you think you may have an old pension, but are not sure of the details, the Pension Tracing Service can usually help by tracing it for you. This service is free and the Tracing Service is part of the Department for Works and Pensions.
- The Personal Finance Society - is the largest professional body for individual financial advisers (and those in related roles) in the UK
- The Prudential TWPF Info - is the current AVC provider for the Tyne and Wear Pension Fund. The site provides information on the services provided by the Prudential.
All the links from this page lead to sites maintained by other organisations or companies. These links are provided purely for your convenience. Please note that the Tyne and Wear Pension Fund and South Tyneside Council does not endorse or support the organisations, the content of their pages, or their products or services in any way.
No responsibility is assumed by the Tyne and Wear Pension Fund for the contents of their pages. The Tyne and Wear Pension Fund will not be able to deal with any issues arising from these external sites - please contact the provider of that site.
Any organisation or company which publishes a telephone number which starts 0845 may lead to different rates of call charges. You may wish to check with your telephone service provider before calling any of these telephone numbers.