Pensions committee
Our Pensions Committee is responsible for the control of the Fund and meets quarterly to consider all pension matters. The Committee has nineteen members. South Tyneside Council has legal responsibility for the Fund and nominates eight members, whilst the other five district councils within the Fund each nominate one member. The trades unions and the employers nominate three members each, who sit on the Committee in an advisory capacity.
Committee membership
The Committee has nineteen members.
South Tyneside Council nominates eight members and the other four district councils within the County area and Northumberland County Council nominate one member each. The trades unions and the employers collectively nominate three members each, who sit on the Committee in an advisory capacity.
The current term of the Committee runs from May 2024 to April 2025.
Elected Representatives
South Tyneside Council
Cllr Ken Dawes
Cllr Joyce Welsh
Cllr James Foreman
Cllr David Herbert
Cllr Robin Coombes
Cllr Chris Davies
Cllr Angela Lamonte
Cllr Kate Owens-Palmer
Other Councils
Cllr Hugh Kelly, Gateshead Council
Cllr Gary Haley, Gateshead Council (substitute)
Cllr Paul Frew, Newcastle Council
Cllr Ged Bell, Newcastle Council (substitute)
Cllr Willie Samuel, North Tyneside Council
Cllr John O'Shea, North Tyneside Council (substitute)
Cllr Richard R Dodd, Northumberland County Council
Cllr Colin R Hardy, Northumberland County Council (substitute)
Cllr Sean Laws, Sunderland City Council
Cllr John Price, Sunderland City Council (substitute)
Members' Representatives
John Kelly, Unite
Janet Green, Unison
Janice Liepins-Hall, Unison
Employers' Representatives
Jeremy Cook, Gateshead College
Post currently vacant
Post currently vacant
More information
Members of the Pensions Committee can be contacted through the Pensions Helpline by emailing
You can find out more about the Committee in the South Tyneside Council: Councillors and committee meetings.