Scheme booklets and forms


Our Scheme booklets are based on the current Scheme rules. Any decision should not be based solely on this information. For further details see the LGPS 2014 member website at LGPS 2014.

We can provide information in other formats to meet your individual needs. For more information on this please download our   Can we help you leaflet (PDF) [96KB] .

Our booklets are split into the categories below, depending on their content and which group of Scheme members they relate to:

  • For members currently contributing to the LGPS
  • For members who have left the LGPS and have a deferred benefit or deferred refund
  • For Councillor members
  • LGPS Death Benefits

To view all scheme forms, see Forms.

See the glossary of pension terms used throughout the guides.

If you have any queries or require any further information, please contact us. We are unable to offer financial advice, but we can discuss your options with you. You may wish to seek independent financial advice before making any decision.

You can obtain information on a wide range of financial topics, including how to go about finding a financial adviser, from the Financial Conduct Authority(FCA). This is an independent organisation responsible for regulating financial services in the UK.

If you wish to read the leaflets which deal with rejoining the LGPS and Aggregation, see Options for re-joining the scheme.

Members currently contributing to the LGPS

These Scheme booklets are relevant to our members who are currently paying into the LGPS.

Guide to LGPS (PDF) [1MB]  - A guide to LGPS

Transferring pension rights into the LGPS (PDF) [226KB]  - Details of the procedure and time limits to transfer previous pension rights into the Scheme

Contribution flexibility - Options to increase or decrease pension contributions

Leave of absence and the LGPS (PDF) [60KB]  - Details of how your LGPS benefits can be affected by a leave of absence

Pensions and divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership - Information on how divorce or dissolution can affect your LGPS benefits

Death Grant Nomination form and booklet - Information about the LGPS death grant and how to make a nomination - The Death Grant Nomination form to be completed is included

Life cover - Protection for your family - Information on life cover benefits available to LGPS members

Your Pension - An explanation of how your benefits are calculated and when they can be paid

Tax controls and your LGPS benefits (PDF) [333KB]  - An explanation of how HMRC tax rules can affect your LGPS benefits

Members retirement planning guide - A guide to retirement

Members who have left the LGPS and have a deferred benefit or deferred refund

These Scheme booklets are relevant to our members who have left the Tyne and Wear Pension Fund and have a deferred benefit or deferred refund with us.

Leaving your job before retirement after 31 March 2014 (PDF) [334KB]  - Information and options available for members who left the Tyne and Wear Pension Fund after 31 March 2014 and have a deferred benefit or deferred refund

Leaving before retirement between 1 April 1998 and 31 March 2014 (PDF) [457KB]  - Information and options available for members who left the Tyne and Wear Pension Fund after 31 March 2008 and before 1 April 2014 and have a deferred benefit or deferred refund

Leaving your job before 1 April 2008 with a deferred benefit (PDF) [263KB]  - Information and options available for members who left the Tyne and Wear Pension Fund before 1 April 2008 and have a deferred benefit

CARE65 Application form for early payment of benefits (PDF) [203KB]  - CARE65 Application for Early Payment of Benefits to be used by members with deferred benefits

For information on how to avoid pension scams, see The pensions regulator: Avoid pension scams.

Councillor members

The leaflets below are relevant to Councillor members.

A Guide to the LGPS for eligible councillors (PDF) [1MB]  - LGPS information for Councillors eligible for Scheme membership

Councillor pensions update - May 2024 - An update on the LGPS changes affecting Councillor members

Death Grant Nomination form and booklet - Information about the LGPS death grant and how to make a nomination. The Death Grant Nomination form to be completed is included

Pensions and divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership - Information on how divorce or dissolution can affect your LGPS benefits

Tax controls and your LGPS benefits (PDF) [333KB]  - An explanation of how HMRC tax rules can affect your LGPS benefits

LGPS death benefits

The booklets below provide information on LGPS benefits which may be payable in the event of your death.

Death Grant Nomination form and booklet - Information about the LGPS death grant and how to make a nomination - The Death Grant Nomination form to be completed is included

Life cover - Protection for your family - Information on life cover benefits available to LGPS members


Death Grant Nomination - booklet and form - Information about the LGPS death grant and how to make a nomination. The Death Grant Nomination form to be completed is included

CARE22c form - Election to join the LGPS 50/50 section

CARE11 form - Election to opt In LGPS

CARE22d form - Election to re-join the LGPS main section

CARE88 - Opt out form - Notice to Opt Out of LGPS Pension Savings

Pen22 Non UK bank form (PDF) [184KB]  - Request for pension to be paid directly to a foreign bank account

Transfer form D - Employer's consent to extend the 12 month time limit for transfer of previous pension rights